Robert Fisher Biography
Robert Fisher was born and raised in the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir and has been painting professionally for more than 30 years, supporting his wife and 3 children. He has always loved drawing and painting, and the enthusiasm and passion is obvious when you view his works. He says, “ I find excitement in my work, as my images come from within. It’s a matter of learning, living and evolving. I don’t find the work relaxing. When I paint, I do so with intensity. It’s gut wrenching. It’s intense. Sometimes the hours pass by and you realise that you have been at the easel for 12 hours. Painting is my life, and it is a compulsion. It’s an addiction.” Some of these paintings are from a series when Robert used his studio at William Creek near Lake Eyre in South Australia as his base. They show wonderful scenes of outback moods and astounding ancient landscapes. The Olgas, Katja Tjuta - Uluru by day or night, glowing desert skies and dreamlike landscapes. Others depict the sea in its many moods. The calm days of sailing or stormy weather whipping up the southern seas. Whatever picture you are viewing, you can’t forget the forceful but poetic imagery of a Robert Fisher painting.
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